Thursday, September 4, 2008

merdeka eve.

pictures only. =) fucking lazyyyy. i'll update it soon.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


helloo people. no ones currently updating this blog. im bored. and its 4:23 now. im gonna just finish this nonsense and go tidur. lol. eh dudes please la write something here. dont leave it dying. x) okay im done. nights!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

with love.

didnt go home for 2 nights already. went ipoh with HuiKwan and her family on thusrday. whole family waited for me since 12, but i reached around 2. felt damn fucking bad. came back on friday night, waited for like half an hour, zhen wei came and fetch us and rainie as well. went down to mardi. didnt expect to see so many people in there. this is the second time i went clubbing for the week, fuck pmr weih. around 1 month more till im free. got ko'ed and overdosed. thanks baby, jun kit, zhen wei and the others for looking after me. left mardi around 2 something, went ss17 for a drink with ricky, crystal, jun kit, zhen wei, baby, rainie and others. cannot really remember cause i was resting all the time. reached baby's house at like 3 in the morning and slept till saturday noon, went ou and home at 8. getting pictures soon.

Its gonna be my first and last time. I'm sorry dear, thanks for taking care of me.

Monday, August 4, 2008

There are so many things I wish to say.

But I can't.

And I don't know how to deliver this message to you guys but it's best if I just stay away from whatever possible damage I can cause, if you know what I mean and I hope you'll understand. I assume most of you has heard about what has happened to my dad's car. And no doubt that everything's in a huge mess right now. I have nothing but the blame to myself and to take this as the way I should be taking.

I'm trying to fix the car right before my dad comes back from Singapore tomorrow. I told my mom about it this morning and she's helping me out alot, with my driver's help too. I thank God for that, honestly. Money is not an issue in this matter right now, I just really wish, pray and hope that I'm not getting into deep shit with my dad as I am already.

I've hurt my family and mostly made a huge fool out of myself. I should've done what was right and avoided what could possibly happen but unfortunately I didn't and it happened. I thank all of you who has tried to help out with the fucked car. I appreciated every bit of it, really.

I've already lied most of the part to my mom and I did not mention anyone's name so don't worry. This is the best I can do, and it's my responsibility to fix this shit. I don't exactly know what I'm going to do next but hopefully everything will be alright. My grandparents apparently know about it already and offered me to stay over their place if the car doesn't get fixed in time and so that I won't get brutally murdered by my father.

All I need is some luck and God on my side now.
And I just wonder how is that going to work.

With love,

Saturday, August 2, 2008

are we gonna support each other among 10guys and the 3girls? LOL

Trance addict.

hmm.. bored friday. din go out. stay home the whole day.. and play with my new ipod shuffle. hmm all inside the ipod were onli trance.. now im really addict to trance-.- im gonna sleep with it tonite=) goodnite.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

And THANK YOU love u guys too

That's my momma

All i want is js those problems to fcuk off la haha. Ben & Shih Onn,guilty fcukers Haha!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

yo momma's so ugly, they paid her to keep her cloths on in a strip joint!

HAPPY 15th ming da! i know it wasn't really a great bday you had. i'd do anything, lets celebrate again another dayy, like a dinner or something with The Second Family aight? you know we all love you. and we wouldn't wanna worry bout you. anyway this post is for you although its abit late, sorry.

shih the onn.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Happy birrrrthhhdaaay, DADA! :D:D:D:D

we all love you and hope to celebrate it soon, yea? cheng us dinner :] or maybe we'll cheng you.

from all of us,
the second family(:


Saturday, July 26, 2008


Tommy Tommy very horny, always fucks his pony and plays with puki.

Jason Jason likes a threesome.

Etain Etain stays in a drain, likes to ride a train and is very vain.

Ben Ben always pee in his pants, owns a lousy van and screws his ass with a pen.

i really cant think of any now. lol. if you guys have some edit it here weih. lol.

shih the onn.
love youu!

When you're feeling empty, keep me in your memory.

BEN AH BEN. Fuck weih, it's not funny k! Seriously. ): Don't play.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



mhmm it's been awhile since i've updated this lol have been busy with er, stuff (mostly unimportant but one or two things that weighed a ton). yeahhhnyway, i only have a few things to say..

starting with, shisha spa sucks -__- who said it's nice, huh? it's rly gross! one of the worst cigs i've ever had. and, cola snuff is horrid, too! my god how do you guys possibly sniff that shit up your nose, maaan.. IT HURTS :/

the joker is love btw :) sho-sho c-c-c-crraazzzy and mental.

and ben sucks at magic tricks HAHAHA srsly he just looked like a joke and i kept laughing my ass off :] wasn't all that impressed.

last weekend was spent with the second family, almost every one of them was there :) and our family's huge, mind! awwwww.

well kay, other than that, nothing rly.. except, could you guys pleeeeaaaseee remember to just put your name after every post? there're 13 boys and 3 girls so it gets very confusing. pleeeaaaseee just cooperate. thank you :)

glad we're fixed, x.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

YO Mama!

Yo mama so fat she has to iron her phants on the streets!

Monday, July 21, 2008

dalai lamma aint my mama `

Thinking, stressing & mind-blowing.

winner winner, chicken dinner !


shih onn.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sup brothers :)

There's a saying " All men are brothers". I strongly agreed with it.Our second family members mostly guys and few girls. Every single member in da family are different and unique and different in a different way and the retarded way, we all come from different backgrounds , different personality , we are like aliens to each other , some unknown species from other planet, but somehow we have in commons and unite together.

In this family , we help among each other ,we back each other up when any of our family members in trouble , thats what family its all about. Sometimes we '' diu" each other. You '' mm song '' me and I ''mm song '' you thats just normal . You tell me which family don't argue and i call that bullshit. After every argument we forgive each other , theres when our relationship grow deeper. I don't mind seeing each and everyone of their faces and promised that i won't get bored. Enough bout that.

Things we usually do like other normal family except a slightly little different.

List of our family activities:

- shisha

- smoke

- club

- party

- drink

- drunk

- foosball

- futsal

- mamak session

- tail gate other peoples car

- and stonning

just like any other family . Right? Not! I bet the readers wish they have a family like the one i do. Ours are like totally cool. One word to describe Awesome. Right Shih Onn? I guess thats bout it .

From left to right : Brian , Shih Onn , Chee Foong , Ben , Tekkin and Jason.

Ciaoz family. Nights.


Yo momma's so fat, her shadow weighs a hundred pounds! (:

yellloooo.... ben! dont ever sleep while driving la mahai! ITS FUKING SCARY! lol. at least your car is not a lambo, if it is and you crashed it i will chop your fuking balls! lol. anywaay, ben lets go drink beer and wine! lol. i want. and imm sooo boreddd.. ughh. i feel like doing something really fun today, and stupid at the same time. heh. at ou! :D okay im off, no piccas. lazy to upload.

shih the onn.
loves her! :D

Never Sleep When Driving. x)

Anti-Sleep Driving

haha ! Shih onn, wasn't it awesome ?! : )

Vroommm...... BASHHHHHH""""""""`````````

Ben Lee ! :)

Idol of the year : D

why so serious? let's put a smile on your face

p/s: Your silly dude love you much

Friday, July 18, 2008

AsTaLa Vista!

Datuk with *Whatever*, Datin with *Anything*

an advertisment in 7-11.

Two Gangsters: Give me anything!
Cashier: Tissue?
Two Gangsters: (Got more angry, took parang) GIVE ME ANYTHING!!
Cashier: (scared) lollipop?
Two gangsters: (smack the table) Give me ANYTHING!
ANYTHING , WHATEVER is a can of drink.
I forgotten the following of the advertisment:\
Hahah.. DAMN Fucking funny la. the first time i saw it, i was WTF-ing

tommy here.

didnt really did anything in school today, went for few seminars till the last period. fuck ass school make me, dwayne, and adrian do urine test for drugs. everyone including some that took drugs was tested negative except for one malayyy. haha, he got positive cause he drank too much cough medicine. shouldnt have went to school today.

love you so much.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sweet and low.

Hello cunts and penis-es of the earth. Burn here.

My day today was spent with love. :) And then we went over to Kayu with Vnod and Mr. Lee Ben Whore. Then Vnod left us there to get his stupid new MyVi. Whatever man. Haha.

After Kayu, I dragged the 2 idiots with me to Pirate's Ice Cream place. Had ice cream there, which kinda sucked. I think they gave me the wrong ice cream. Lan jiao.


Dwayne is "special".

Mr. Whore reading the tissue. Sohai #1.
I have the tissue with me now. :D Heh.
AND BI, don't throw the one which I wrote.
Or even use it to wipe your effin shit. :)

Anyway, tomorrow's a Friday! Yay, halfday.
Gonna watch a movie with mommy now.
See you people at Curve, tomorrow.

VC in da Game!

Sup's Ma citizen blood!

Blog gets US TOGETHER!

Uncle VC.

Hello bitches. :D

Semasa berjalan-jalan, kotekku berasa gatal,
aku check seluar dalam, rupanya berhutan tebal,
kerana kotek berbulu, di dalam banyak kutu,
perempuan merayau-rayau, semua jalan semacam bangau,
mengaru di rantau rantau selatan yang sudah busuk
kerana puki berbulu, di dalam banyak kutu,
walaupun, BM ku 'lau yar lyric macam sekolah rendah,
aku tetap terus mencuba, menyanyi macam orang gila,
metallica :Call of Ktulu (song title), rambut panjang mesti ada kutu
seluar ketat, kotek berbulu, 'groupie' banyak, puki berkutu,
inilah lagu BM ku,yang ditulis untuk bapak lu,
dia punya kotek sudah busuk Kerana dia ada banyak bulu..

Burn here and so grandpa twain. Goodbye sluts.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


mcb dun means MA CI BAI kay!!!!
it mmeans



SUP everyone! CHEE FOONG in da house.

HMM This is me the greenish one=) any ways PEACE!

- Yo mama is so ugly that when I showed a picture of my ass they said they are twins!

hahha ! everybody copied my -Yo mama jokes.

: ) anyways see you guys soon.


& I need a GIRLFRIEND asap. !! :)

fucktard !! : D

for my 2nd family , good side of me : )

Lets watch movie together TheDarkKnight - Batman this saturday : ) & guys can you done with every post you blog pls write your name down there . Thanks . There is a new ciggy SPA - shisha fucking high should give it a try .

Love, Jason
p/s: RS i love you

Yo momma's so old, she sat behind jesus at the third grade.

yelllloooooo!! its shih here btw, not ben. and yeahh im once again updating. er havent seen much of the second family except some. ah well, this sat meet up at OU, anytime ill be there. AT OSC as usual. we'll have to see each other kay? lol. and yeahhh. er i kinda miss everyone. and im so bored nowww. my post are really short because i have nothing to write. im not like girls that talks alot. :D anyway, just wanna updateee it. dont make it look dead k guys? lol.

love, shih.
and i love you my baby! you know who you are. :D


I miss my 2nd family ):
I miss my cigarettes. (ALOT)
See, I even sacrifice my cigarettes,
Kidding, I love you guys, alot?

But don't smoke so much la.
Gotta cut down alright.
Har har, shut up la, Bernardine.
Stupid dumb fuck.

Anyway, I won't be going to school tomorrow.
Yayyyy. And I'm not going to wait for my boyfriend's text.
Hi bi. :) I don't care already, I'm going to sleep like a pig tonight.

I love you.


yallo! i said i'd be back(: mhmmm.

well kay those pics up there are of a story :) tommyyCHAK threw grandpa twain's slipper up a tree and then the boys decided to throw stones up, in hopes of the slipper falling back down (but of course they failed miserably). they also used a ladder and blah blah blah(:

but then later they found out the slipper was just somewhere around the bushes -___- watttafakkka. sohaiii

manbitch, myself and lil tommy :D (ya fine not so little when next to me) us in sunnies ahahah vain a bit.

anyway there're a few more pics but i can't seem to add more oh motherfucker damn dulan but i willl prolllyy post um up on my own blog *coughcough* which i know all of you will go visit to steal the pics :)

and BURN, if you think the layout is fucking gay, change it la wei. kan you already got the password and all ahahha pls la dont wait for shih or me to do it kay we won't.. i'm too fkn lazy di. ahaha besides i've never been good with doing layouts anyway

love, tain! can't wait to see you guys x

One Big Familyyyy!

tommy here. love my wife and this second family so much! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

- Yo mamma’s so hairy, last night I confused here with a bush and pissed on her!

Haha, second post for the day ! I feel damn GAY !
Oh fuck ! I'm becoming like Jason, just joking ! : )

Bernardine, I'll be sleeping with my legs facing the door tonight. Let's hope something happens tonight ! :D YIPPEEEEE !!!!

oh yeah ! I no longer haf a phone, someone PAO`ed it ! :(

Contact me at : 03-78808728

I'm a Marlboro light fan !




Punani And I : )

First Time, First Experience

Ben Lee [;

I am a fucking retard.

You know why?

Cause I thought that the chick behind me in the photo below with Jason was a ghost. HAHAHAHAHA. I'm so embarassed now. I even called Etain and asked her whether there was anyone with us at that moment cause she was the one who snapped that photo. And then Etain called Jason up and asked about it, and apparently, Jason said that she was already THERE before we got there. Was I blind or what?

I swear to God I really thought that it was only the 4 of us up there. Jason, Amanda, Etain and I. And God knows how did that chick came into the picture. Haha, wth la. I freaked myself out. Anyway..

I love love love school.
Cause school is awesome foursome.

Hehe, "awesome foursome" is fucking Julian's line but what the heck. :D Burn here, btw. And I really think this fucking layout is so gay! HAHA, sorray, but it is!


asdfdknsfknlksd i wanted to post up recent pics of us but aahhh, my internet is being a fkn bastard child! well anyway i will draaagg myself back here tomorrow in attempt to post um up :) and srsly this blog makes me so happy! i'm pretty pleased you guys are already into the swing of blogging, speshally da :O shocker there. well hopefully the rest will pick up the habit, like cheefoong, or tommy (well, you never know). mmkay and my titles will be after animals so that way you'll know right away it's me :D

ya anyway, i would start rambling about how much i love you guys and how you've all been there for me, even in the teeniest tiniest way(: but that's boring stuff and kok, shih and burn have already blogged those things. I LOVE YOU GUYS KAY :D i spend almost everyday with you guys so of course i anggap you all as my 2nd fam ;) through the good times and bad, ups and downs, thick and thin, ALL THAT BS LA, all of you have been awesome.

oooyeaaa, i did up all the pics at the side *beams with pride* but if you guys don't like um, let me know and i will change it? or you could just log in yourselves and do the bloody thing (preferable, as i'm getting lazy).

heaps of love,
your mother,


to jason the bitch! :D i know what your title means la, and i want my RM0.10!!! :D anywayyyy, well this blog is done for us. Its for us to EXPRESS and IMPRESS. right anot? lol. i've practically got nothing to write. Anyway the reason for this blog is like yeah to show how much we love our second family. Hope our second family outting will be soon, heh. okay. im done. ciao!

love, shih.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Me so horny, ah ah, me so horny.

I love each and everyone of us. :) Truly. Through it all, the laughters, the tears, the anger, the confusion and the fear. We've been through that all together which has pulled every strength closer and tigther in us. Best state, worst state, normal state, retarded dysfunctional state, whatever state, everything. We know and have seen each and everyone of our true colours.

And yet we still love and accept each other. RIGHT OR NOT?
Heh, love you guys.

I laughed till my stomach hurt when Etain told me about this blog. Haha. Oh, Burnardine here by the way. Yes, I have a unique name, thank you very much.

tut tut

Mingda Reporting =)

It's all meant for us!

This blog is about the Second Family we have. just created it, it'll be filled up pretty soon i guess. heh. Im off. Ciao.