Monday, August 4, 2008

There are so many things I wish to say.

But I can't.

And I don't know how to deliver this message to you guys but it's best if I just stay away from whatever possible damage I can cause, if you know what I mean and I hope you'll understand. I assume most of you has heard about what has happened to my dad's car. And no doubt that everything's in a huge mess right now. I have nothing but the blame to myself and to take this as the way I should be taking.

I'm trying to fix the car right before my dad comes back from Singapore tomorrow. I told my mom about it this morning and she's helping me out alot, with my driver's help too. I thank God for that, honestly. Money is not an issue in this matter right now, I just really wish, pray and hope that I'm not getting into deep shit with my dad as I am already.

I've hurt my family and mostly made a huge fool out of myself. I should've done what was right and avoided what could possibly happen but unfortunately I didn't and it happened. I thank all of you who has tried to help out with the fucked car. I appreciated every bit of it, really.

I've already lied most of the part to my mom and I did not mention anyone's name so don't worry. This is the best I can do, and it's my responsibility to fix this shit. I don't exactly know what I'm going to do next but hopefully everything will be alright. My grandparents apparently know about it already and offered me to stay over their place if the car doesn't get fixed in time and so that I won't get brutally murdered by my father.

All I need is some luck and God on my side now.
And I just wonder how is that going to work.

With love,


Anonymous said...

i know it was a long time ago, but you were the first and only one to make that mistake. i don't think any of your friends have done something so stupid and here you're talking like you've experienced it all, when the truth is, you're the one who has experienced the least but enjoys coming off like a know-it-all.

Bernardine said...

I take your words sincerely, but to be honest, we're all only humans, and all of us make mistakes. I'm sorry if you don't, because it sounds like you're potraying yourself as a perfect being.

Well, great. I don't know how you could have the right to judge me when you absolutely have no idea about me at all. You could think whatever you want, believe in whatever you wish to, but I'd like to tell you that I appreciate all the experiences I have had in my life so far.

And if by me making a stupid mistake that I genuinely took responsibility of could offend your little ego, then I'm sorry. Maybe you should stop jumping into silly conclusions before even knowing the entire story of it.

You're just making yourself seem shallow, add on to the fact that you shamefully listed your name as "anonymous". But hey, thanks for your comment!