Tuesday, July 15, 2008


asdfdknsfknlksd i wanted to post up recent pics of us but aahhh, my internet is being a fkn bastard child! well anyway i will draaagg myself back here tomorrow in attempt to post um up :) and srsly this blog makes me so happy! i'm pretty pleased you guys are already into the swing of blogging, speshally da :O shocker there. well hopefully the rest will pick up the habit, like cheefoong, or tommy (well, you never know). mmkay and my titles will be after animals so that way you'll know right away it's me :D

ya anyway, i would start rambling about how much i love you guys and how you've all been there for me, even in the teeniest tiniest way(: but that's boring stuff and kok, shih and burn have already blogged those things. I LOVE YOU GUYS KAY :D i spend almost everyday with you guys so of course i anggap you all as my 2nd fam ;) through the good times and bad, ups and downs, thick and thin, ALL THAT BS LA, all of you have been awesome.

oooyeaaa, i did up all the pics at the side *beams with pride* but if you guys don't like um, let me know and i will change it? or you could just log in yourselves and do the bloody thing (preferable, as i'm getting lazy).

heaps of love,
your mother,


Delia Azahari said...

HIHI. I LOVE YOU TOO. haha i gotta link you all up! ;)

Bernardine said...