Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sweet and low.

Hello cunts and penis-es of the earth. Burn here.

My day today was spent with love. :) And then we went over to Kayu with Vnod and Mr. Lee Ben Whore. Then Vnod left us there to get his stupid new MyVi. Whatever man. Haha.

After Kayu, I dragged the 2 idiots with me to Pirate's Ice Cream place. Had ice cream there, which kinda sucked. I think they gave me the wrong ice cream. Lan jiao.


Dwayne is "special".

Mr. Whore reading the tissue. Sohai #1.
I have the tissue with me now. :D Heh.
AND BI, don't throw the one which I wrote.
Or even use it to wipe your effin shit. :)

Anyway, tomorrow's a Friday! Yay, halfday.
Gonna watch a movie with mommy now.
See you people at Curve, tomorrow.

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